Sunday, December 5, 2010

Let Go

Participate with me in reverb10!

December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? (Author: Alice Bradley)

I'm ashamed to admit that I let go of exercising this year.  I did a great job doing so leading up to May...and my wedding...and since then, it's been worse than lackluster. Pretty much obsolete.  Which is pretty sad and the reason for why I'm feeling quite jolly- and not in the joyful way- this holiday season.

I think I'm struggling to find daily movement that actually excites me and that I can accomplish.  I used to run and I'm pretty sure I hated every moment of it.  Group classes make me feel like a tool because I desperately lack coordination.  And my work schedule really dictates my general energy and time availability.  

Yet, none of these are good enough excuses for basically allowing myself to be a lazy arse for seven months.  

In 2011, I'm going to let go of excuses and learn/do activities that are enjoyable AND exercise.

Did you let go of anything this year that you really ought not have?


  1. I'm with you. I hate running, it kills my knees. Exercise equipment is just so dull. Jillian Michaels was great for a while, but she made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack. How many times in a month does one need to clutch their chest, seriously? The trick is to find something you love. I love dance, so I tried Zumba. Hated it Then I discovered ballet classes. Amazing. Keep trying things, you're bound to find something!

  2. Yes! I stopped exercising the DAY I got married. So sad. I've got to start it up again.
