It was as fantastic as you think it was.
After watching a handful of episodes (and oh my gosh, there is an episode with Bradley Cooper and it is so emotional, because the guy just graduated from the school which houses the show, and it was just so dang sweet to see him and James Lipton, who conducts the interviews, to just lose it throughout the show because of how in awe they both were that he was there, and the whole point of the school, and show, had come true. (And, thought inside a thought, how freaking GOOD was Bradley in the Silver Linings Playbook?! I was blown away! Homeboy totally deserved the Oscar, for shame!)), I got caught up in the questionnaire that Mr. Lipton asks his guests at the end of each interview. You can read the info in the link above, but it is based on a French show, which is based on an old, old questionnaire.
So I've decided, signed and stamped the decree, that each year, I'll subject Topher and myself to this interview. See how it all changes, as we do.
So let's begin.
First up, Chris.

It was fun to do this with Topher because of how challenging he found all of these questions. I even had time to pee before he gave him the answer for the first- FIRST- question.
Regarding number three's answer (genuine humility), it was such a great moment when he said that, for me, as his wife. Humility is probably the characteristic that I strive to be, that I focus on, more than any other, every day. Mainly because, frankly, it does not come easily to me. But I truly believe it to be the cornerstone to everything we do in life, if we wish to do it well, and with others. His answer was a great reminder, to me, to strive for humility not only because of its value to me, but to my husband as well.
Next up, yours truly.
I took a bit more lighthearted spin to my answers. But they are truthful, nonetheless.

Ok, so let's just begin with this. I just love saying Kilimanjaro. It just rolls off the ton so nicely, doesn't it? And I hate the long version of the word hippo because I really, truly, struggle to say it correctly the first time. I have to concentrate for a hot minute to get my tongue to wrap itself around overlapping 'p' and 't' sounds.
It's highly embarrassing.
And, for me, number six and nine go hand in hand because I simply cannot stand seeing an animal in pain. I could not handle dealing with sick or injured pet's day after day, which is why I could never be vet. Such huge kudos to those who do this- you are my hero.
And finally, regarding number ten, I'd like to believe that at the pearly gates, the most important thing that's going to matter to the entity that created me/looked out for me/guided me/whatever is whether or not I was a kind, compassionate, helpful, just, loving, hardworking person. And I'm going to stick with that.
Finally, it was rather challenging for me to answer the questions until I first separated out my answers for my current life here in Cambodia. There are so many things that I love, and that drive me nuts, here. And so, this:
Barang is probably my least favorite word because it is yelled to me, said about me, inferred about me before knowing, and in general, the bane of every foreigner living in Cambodia's existence. And I just feel defeated trying to refute it, or open people's minds that being lumped into a mass group of 'other' simply because I'm not from Cambodia is exhausting and frustrating. Le sigh.
Lastly, I'd love and be terrified of being a journalist here. I'd love to meet people from around the country, tell their story, question their leaders. But there is also some danger in that too, as press isn't truly free here. Which is all I can really say about that!
What would be YOUR answers to the questionnaire? Offer them up in the comments!
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