Wednesday, November 2, 2011


for some reason, november has always been my least favorite month.  boo hiss, i shan't and can't like it.

november is always so cold.  the leaves have all fallen or turned brown.  it starts to get actually cold, and the bitterly cold winds pick up.  the fall jacket has to be put away for the winter one, and the novelty of it all has worn off.

i was supposed to be born in november, did you know? i arrived three days early (thank goodness!).  i always wonder if i'd been born on november second- when i was due-if i'd like november.

i still think not.

topher also schmates november.  it's an odd thing, to have the same non-favorite month in common with your husband.  it works, though, you know? one of those crazy things that we can just say "euw i putrid dislike november" and no weird looks are given.

do you have a least favorite month?


  1. I do! I hate March. It is so dreary. All the snow has melted and everything is brown and muddy and grey and gross and cold.

    At least November is prob not so cold in Cambodia eh? :)

  2. February! No holidays, no days off work. Nothing happens in February. :/

  3. Hmmm. I've got to say, it's probably January. Although the start of a new year is great, the buzz wears off and we can't help but get stuck in the miserable weather that MI brings in January. SNOWED IN LIKE WOAH. MISSIN YOU, but so excited that I can stalk you via blog even while you're on your PC adventure!!!

  4. I've always hated February! But then I married a man that was born in February, and he won't have it.

  5. March! I don't know why, but I've never liked it. My half birthday is even in March and I still don't like it! I think it's because it still feels like winter but is so close to spring. It's a tease.

  6. Um exCUSE me. November is the best. Because I was born in November. You two are clearly out of your minds.
