Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the end of the photo challenge...

i absolutely stole this idea of using technology only to light the shot from Jenna.  she's awesome, as was this idea.  she clearly did it better, but this pretty much sums up our life when we want to catch up on the outside world here in cambodia.

my shoes
in all their dirty, beaten up glory.

a shot of my moleskin journal, full of all my ideas, including the designs/floor layout ideas for my future bakery, Marsh Mellow Goodness

twenty one
faceless self portrait
i think this one speaks for itself

twenty two
as drawn during the previously discussed week long conference. also, i wish my fingernails looked this cool, though it's a fair representation of how nail art is achieved in my new home country.

twenty three
not sunflare, but a cool flaring of light anyway.  this shows you how much i'd been outside in daylight in the last ten days of october.

twenty four
we have this small joke about eating in cambodia- they don't eat meat here, they eat animals.  that means every part of the animal is up for consumption and considered delicious one way or another. case in point, chicken, in all it's glory.

twenty six
close up
my friend and fellow PCV jill pretty much rocks at all things aesthetic.  here is her witch drawing...

twenty seven
from a distance
...and here is her drawing said witch.  can you tell we miss halloween and fall?

twenty eight
the beautiful fruit and flower display at the very first khmer wedding i attended.  it's covered in silly string here, which was sprayed at the bride and groom as they entered in their second outfits. they feed each other a piece of fruit from this table and then said table is danced around for the evening, and guests take home the fruit.  

twenty nine
black and white
one of the few photos in this set taken on the actual day assigned.  yours truly, dressed in red, beginning the celebration of my birthday in phnom penh a bit early, with champy bought by darling husband.  

self portrait
and the final photo, taken on, again, the actual 30th day of october.  this was my birthday treat for myself- a coke float at a large mall in phnom penh, just before we boarded our bus back to permanent site.  it was totally worth the dollar and eighty cents.

happy november all!


  1. i love that you have floor plans for your yummy bakery!

  2. well, thank you love! you can get a free baked good in like, ten years, just for that comment!

  3. Will you hire me as a pastry chef for your bakery? ... That gives me a couple years to go to pastry school ;)
