Friday, May 20, 2011

vlog friday: childhood toy, of my favorite variety!

Happy Friday, everyone!  Tonight, we're reflecting on our favorite childhood toys. I have too many to count:


 and most importantly:


Join us next week, as we honor Memorial Day with this little topic:
  • What 3 people from history or your life would you invite to dinner? Why?

We Vlog Friday.  Do you?


  1. I know - it was called " surprise." I had bunny surprise, and I think she had triplets?

    And for super awesomeness, here's a link to the commercial:

  2. YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS! What a trip down memory lane with that commercial. love love love!

  3. Yes!! My sister and I had the Puppy Surprises too! We both got 3 in ours!

    When I went through my Goosebumps books phase, I would carry them everywhere I went too! And then my teachers finally told my parents that I needed to "expand my horizons" and read something else. I thought it was the end of the world.

    Have a good weekend!

  4. I can't remember if I had a puppy surprise or if my sister does but it was a real flop, we only got 1!
    That reminded me of Magic Nursery Dolls which is probably my real favorite childhood toy! You got a baby doll and when you pulled down it's diaper is said whether it was a girl or a boy then you dissolved the diaper in warm water and it had another outfit. I had SO MANY!

  5. My little ponies were LEGIT. I never really got into the American Girl dolls, my nieces love them though so I'm glad they're still popular.

    I remember puppy surprise! I had the weiner dog and only had three puppies as well. I'd be jealous too. :/

  6. I had Samantha too! And I read all the time! When I was young, I was particularly fond of those choose-your-own-adventure stories, and always went through every possible combination. :)

  7. My best friend had the Kitty Surprise! I never had one - I was soooo jealous! My best friend had the coolest toys and I never got them! She had popples - the smelly cupcake girls, cabbage patch dolls, little ponies - you name it!

  8. Ohh I loved my American Girl dolls! I was never really allowed to "play" with them, though.. I could "adult play". Whatever that means lol.

    And yes! Kitty Surprise!!! I was so bummed bc I wanted 5 kitties and I only got 3 too :( Lame.
