Tuesday, November 27, 2012

one cheeseburger, sixteen months

often the day to day differences between our life here in cambodia compared with our life at home escape me.  mainly because so many big things are different, the smaller ones fade into the background.

food, in general, is of course a big difference.  but things diversity of food, availability of once-convenient things begin to...fade over time.

which is why when chris and i went to bangkok last july and encountered a mcdonalds, for the first time in a year, we were excited but also weary.

we had not eaten any form of western "fast food" in a year.  who knew what it would do to our stomach?

but eat a cheeseburger we did.  and one was enough in fact.  and we weren't all that enticed by the myriads of western chains and fast food that populated the city.

it's funny how, over time, those things that were once readily available, and varying degrees of delicious, begin to seem less appetizing and less...necessary. 

but, dang, were those hamburgers a tasty reminder of home.

do you find that the less you eat fast food, the less you want it?


  1. Definitely---the less often I eat fast food, the less I want to eat it. It just doesn't sound appetizing. I used to have a bad fast food habit, so cutting it out was a HUGE challenge for me.

    1. i totally agree! i love it but haven't had access to it here for so long, i'm hopping i still won't want/crave it when we get home!

  2. Yes and no. It could just be the pregnancy talking, but I reallllllly miss some of the convenience from fast food. Actually, I think it is the pregnancy talking, because I do enjoy not having that temptation around and the fact that I cook a lot more of my food now.

    Now, you got a burger...but did you get fries?!

    1. no fries! the single patty cheeseburger was such perfection we didn't want anything else :)

  3. It kind of cracks me up that you're both wearing I <3 Cambodia tshirts while reminiscing about McDonalds. I don't do much fast food at all, just because it tends to be expensive - aka my favorite fast food is Chick Fil A. So yummy, chicken tenders, sweet tea.
