Thursday, January 6, 2011

a post

I was reading over at The Pioneer Woman's blog the other day, and one piece of advice she gives about blogging is to do it, regularly.  She likened a blog to tending a plant- it needs watering and attention often, more than one or twice a month. She's right.

Yet, I just haven't been struck to click that "new post" button. I have quite a few Reverb 10 prompts that have struck my fancy, there are things happening in life and the world that I could easily comment on, and yet each night, here I sit.  Megan likes to remind me, and others, that you should only really blog if you want to.

I've decided I want to.  However, this won't be much of a great, connected post.  Jenna calls this type of post a "brain dump" but really, here are some things I just feel like sharing with the world, and my wonderful 80 followers.

  • I really, really think everyone should read Unbearable Lightness. I found it so honest and interesting and it made me love Portia de Rossi even more.  It wasn't preachy, or boring, or gruesome.  It was straightforward, terrifying, and inspiring.   I read it about two months ago (it was my first Kindle book purchase!) and I've been wanting to shout out loud how much I liked it since then. It's also a really quick read.
  • I really, really, really dislike the Christmas Shoes song.  I know I should like it, and it is a great story, but they overplay it so much on the holiday station I listen to each year.  I've been meaning to say this since December 1st.
  • I am pretty set on opening a bakery/bookstore/musical lesson shop/underwear shop some day. Likely, by the time I get around to it, books won't be printed anymore, so maybe it'll be vintage books with like, real Harry Potters, but still.  I really, truly love baking more than lots of things in the world.  I hardly ever post about it here because a) I usually bake at night, and lighting for great photos sucks at that time; b) I have a very simple point and shoot that doesn't take those breathtaking photos that I love so much on true food blogger's blogs and c) I'm still in the trying out recipes, but haven't actually created anything of my own place that would simply be me saying "look at this great thing I made that I didn't invent or tweak at all, really!" 
  • On a side note to above note, I hereby trademark Marsh Mellow Goodness, cause that's exactly what I want to name my bakery/underwear/book/music lesson shop.  Putting it out in the universe. Please don't steal it.
  • Topher had this idea to go on a detox diet after Christmas.  I lasted 23 hours.  I learned I hate quinoa.  It has the texture of dry broccoli tops, which I hate.  To officially break the detox, I ate four pieces of Lindt truffles last night. I've learned that as soon as I say "you can't have it!" it's all I want and I'll likely gorge myself.  Like, the night before we decided to detox, I got a hunk of Borsin cheese and crescent rolls and at far too much of both. In preparation for being healthy. Not sane.  I've decided I really just can't say no to foods- I have to use moderation.  That's why Weight Watchers worked for me (three times over.)
  • In addition, again, to note above, I started tracking my points again this week.  I gained about 5 pounds from Thanksgiving to now, plus the double digit pounds since the wedding and I have to reverse the trend.  Have to admit, KJPugs has been a great inspiration.
Ok, I'm done for now.

I should probably give you some sort of visual.  Here are two favorites from New Year's Eve:

What's your favorite kind of cheese? Or, if you were going on a Detox Diet, what's the food you'd gorge on the night before?


  1. You should totally blog about your baking. :) Although my blog is not about cooking, it is still partially about food, and all I've got is a point and shoot. I think when we blog about things that we love, it's much more enjoyable and inspiring. :)

  2. Favorite cheese? OMG. I imagine it's like asking one to pick their favorite child - you have a clear favorite, but it pains you to admit it. I would have to say Espoisses. Smells so friggin BAD. Tastes heavenly.

  3. I have some really great quinoa recipes if you want to try it again some day. :)

  4. Aw, Terri, you're right. I should blog about it more :) There's my new year's resolution!

    BAN: HA! You're so right. I don't think I could pick one. I like your choice!

    adk: I'm totally up for trying it again, but it wasn't the flavor- it's the texture. There are some food I love the flavor of- like mushrooms- but can't stand the texture. I might hit you up though :)

  5. I love all cheese. It makes everything better. I also love weight watchers. I am going to rejoin on Saturday morning...

  6. BRIE. Every other answer is wrong.

  7. I always say that I want to do a detox, and then when I reallly think about it, decide it's stupid and I could never keep up with it.

    Enter Brie cheese. No crackers needed. Just the cheese.

  8. notes: oh my lord, can we really open a shop together? please? amazing.

  9. I could eat feta every day.

    And you could be my diet twin- as soon as I "can't have it," I want it. I also ate most of a double cheese & pepperoni pizza today. I just need to take small steps as opposed to the giant leaps that always frustrate me and result in me gaining more lbs!
